Vaman Engineers
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We provide the following Services:
  • Residential/Apartments, Commercial & Industrial Works.
  • Transformer Yard Installations.
  • Supply of All Electrical Materials, Panels, etc.
  • Electrical Panel Designing and Installations.
  • Equipment Installation
  • New Construction Pre-Wiring
  • Remodelling and Re-Wiring
  • Control Wiring
  • Indoor & Outdoor Lighting Experts.
  • Computer & Telephone Cabling
  • Computer & UPS Power Wiring
  • Transformer Oil Filtration.
  • Specialized Earthing Solutions for all Equipments and Installations.
  • Liasioning with all Electricity Departments

Domestic Tip of the Month

Don’t Leave Electrical Appliances on Standby
Many of us with use the remote to switch off the TV or stereo, leaving the appliance running on standby. This actually means the appliance is still using up electricity and wastes a considerable amount of energy. Items left on standby use up to 85% of the energy they would use if fully switched on. An extra million tonnes of carbon will be released into the atmosphere through this power wastage.

Commercial Tip of the Month

Always maintain your Power factor as prescribed by the Electrical Department.
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